Welcome to the Provider Training Archive. You can find archived training materials and recordings up to two years old on this page.
If you are seeking materials older than two years, please contact IMEProviderOutreach@hhs.iowa.gov.
2024 Post Move Monitoring (PMM) Zoom Meeting Recording
To access the June 14th, 2024, PMM Zoom Meeting Recording, please fill out this form. Once you submit the form, you will receive the link and password to the recording.
Iowa Health Home (IHH) Learning Collaborative Trainings Archive
If you need something that is not currently available, please email healthhomes@hhs.iowa.gov.
List items for Learning Collaborative Webinars Archive
- November 2024: Person Centered Thinking
- October 2024: Guardianship and Conservatorship
- August 2024: Person Centered Planning
- July 2024: Risk Stratification
- June 2024: Comprehensive Assessment Process – CASH/LOCUS/CALOCUS
- May 2024: InterRAI ChYMH
- April 2024: Face-to-Face Health Home Learning Collaborative
- March 2024: Motivational Interviewing
- February 2024: Trauma Informed Care
- January 2024: HCBS Waiver Process
- December 2023: Data Analysis and Application
- November 2023: Person-Centered Thinking
- October 2023: Behavioral Health Continuum
- September 2023: Understanding the Rights of Those Served and Supported
Face-to-Face Health Home Learning Collaborative
- Court Committals
- Juvenile Court Services
- Pediatric Services and Resources
- Adult Services and Resources
- August 2023: Person-Centered Planning
- Presentation
- Recording (to come)
- July 2023: Risk Stratification
- June 2023: Comprehensive Assessment Process – Review of CASH and LOCUS/CALOCUS
- May 2023: Annual interRAI Training
- April 2023: Face-to-Face Health Home Learning Collaborative
- March 2023: Trauma Informed Care
- February 2023: Peer and Family Support
- January 2023: HCBS Waiver Process
Competency-Based Trainings (CBT) Archive
List items for CBT Webinars Archive
- Relationships and Advocacy Within Guardianship 3/11/25
- Iowa START & Provider Prevention and Support Services 2/11/25
- Guardianships and Decision-Making Supports 1/31/2025
- Suicide Prevention in a System of Care 1/27/2025
- Member's Rights and Restrictive Interventions 12/18/2024
- HCBS Standards and Quality Oversight Reviews 12/11/2024
- Assistive Technology and Digital Accessibility 11/20/2024
- Iowa HHS Trualta Refresher Training 11/19/2024
- Critical Incident Reporting Update - 10/25/2024
- Ryan White HIV Care Program - 9/18/24
- Fall Prevention Programming - 8/27/24
- System Navigation for Working with Children with Complex Needs - 8/7/24
- Risk Stratification - 7/15/24
- Active Listening Basics and Empathy Building Presentation - 6/10/24
- Older Americans Act and Elderly Waiver - 6/4/24
- Dual Diagnosis - 5/29/24
- Consumer Choice Option (CCO) Budgets - 5/16/24
- Case Management Roles and Responsibilities: Monitoring and Follow-Up - 4/16/24
- Medication Management and Errors within HCBS - 4/12/24
- Supporting Transportation with AbleLink - 4/1/24
- Children At Home - 3/21/24
- Supporting Health and Wellness with StationMD - 3/11/24
- Jail Diversion Program and Crisis Intervention - 2/19/24
- Supporting Independent Living with SafeinHome - 2/12/24
- Host Home Basics - 1/30/24
- Legal Leases and Lease Regulations - 1/26/24
- Residential Assessment Application - 12/12/23
- Consumer Choice Options 101 - 12/5/23
- HCBS Settings Philosophy and Rules - 11/14/23
- Consumer Choice Options for Case Managers - 11/9/23
- Consumer Choice Options for Independent Support Brokers - 10/31/23
- Person-Centered Practices - 10/19/23
- HCBS Settings: Understanding the Rights of Those Served and Supported - 9/28/23
- Introduction to Intensive Rehabilitation Service Homes (IRSH) - 9/26/23
- A life in the Community: Understanding the Olmstead Decision - 8/15/23
- Lean on Me: Resources for Behavioral Supports - 7/10/23
- Cultural Wellness Perspectives - 6/20/23
- Cost Reporting for HCBS Providers - 6/15/23
- Understanding Bipolar Disorder - 5/30/23
- Developing Healthy Attachments and Healing From Attachment Disruption - 5/25/23
- Landlord/Tenant Laws in Iowa - 4/13/23
- Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement (Part 2) - 4/11/23
- Consumer Choices Option (CCO) Documentation - 3/31/23
- Accessibility Gone Viral - 2/23/23
- Understanding Guardianship, Conservatorship and Payee - 1/24/23
- Behavior Intervention Strategies: “Will Manage Emotions,” Is Not Enough - 1/24/23
- Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement (Part 1) - 12/15/22
- Transitions of Care - 12/2/22
- Assistive Technology - 11/18/22
- Service Documentation for Home and Community-Based Services - 11/8/22
- Person-Centered Planning - 10/25/22
- Service Documentation and Service Monitoring - 9/20/22
- Behavior Support Plan Development - 8/31/22
- State Transition Plan Update - 8/2/22
- Introduction to HCBS services - 7/29/22
- Positive Behavioral Supports - 6/16/22
- Mental Health Crisis Response - 5/20/22
- Adopting a Trauma Lens - 4/29/22
- Motivational Interviewing - 4/26/22
Dental Provider Trainings Archive
Annual Provider Trainings Archive
Medicaid Training for Local Education Agencies (LEA)
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