Welcome to the Provider Training Archive. You can find archived training materials and recordings up to two years old on this page. 

If you are seeking materials older than two years, please contact IMEProviderOutreach@hhs.iowa.gov.

2024 Post Move Monitoring (PMM) Zoom Meeting Recording

To access the June 14th, 2024, PMM Zoom Meeting Recording, please fill out this form. Once you submit the form, you will receive the link and password to the recording.

Iowa Health Home (IHH) Learning Collaborative Trainings Archive

If you need something that is not currently available, please email healthhomes@hhs.iowa.gov.

List items for Learning Collaborative Webinars Archive

Competency-Based Trainings (CBT) Archive

List items for CBT Webinars Archive

Dental Provider Trainings Archive

List items for Dental Provider Trainings Archive

Medicaid Training for Local Education Agencies (LEA)