Content Information
The following make up the contents of the WIC QI Toolkit. The .zip files contain Word and Excel templates, and multiple files. The Toolkit table of contents appears as the first document below.
WIC Toolkit (Table of Contents)
2013 WIC Contractor's Meeting QI Presentation
Rapid Improvement Event Tools
Flowchart How-To
Value Stream Mapping How-To and Templates
Cause and Effect Tools
Pareto Tools
QI Storyboard Template
Run Chart Tools
Current Reality Tree How-To
Scatter Chart How-To
Additional Resources: Continuous Improvement Suggestion Form
Universal Precautions - Quality Improvement Project
The following document provides information on barriers to following Universal Precautions and action steps that can be taken to improve the process. This information was compiled from a work-group consisting of local agency WIC Staff.
Universal Precautions - Quality Improvement Project Action Steps