To safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
Food Security Survey Results
Roughly every 3 years the Iowa WIC program distributes a Food Security Survey to at least 5% of it's participants. The questions contained within the survey are used to measure the level of food security of our participants. Results of the Food Security Surveys can be found below.
Below you will find the program goals and objectives for the next fiscal year. The State WIC Office welcomes public input on the proposed activities. If you would like to provide comments please review the draft document and submit your feedback via the Contact Us form located at the bottom of this page.
Before implementing a long-term program change, such as a change in clinic site, elimination of a clinic site or hours of operation, the agency must submit a completed Iowa WIC Program Request for Clinic Approval to the State WIC Program. Local agencies must obtain written approval prior to making any changes. See Policy 300.45 for more information about this.
The purpose of the WIC Nutrition Education Needs Assessment Technical Assistance Tool is to assist with the analyses of several data sets describing the health status and nutrition education needs of WIC participants. This series of worksheets will help compare data from several sources in order to draw conclusions about a particular health indicator or behavior. The tool assists with assessment, planning and evaluating nutrition and health indicators of WIC populations. For more information contact 515-725-2642.
Videos produced by state staff for WIC participant training and education will be made available on the Department's YouTube channel. These instructions are for local agency staff use only and not to be provided to participants. Use the instructions to find the video you want, and then share the video with WIC participants.
The support site is available to visit to get everything you need related to wichealth- evaluation reports, marketing and training materials and videos, wichealth news, and now there is a Stats merger where you can track state and local agency statistics.
The state WIC office has authorized the use of the following forms to be used in conjunction with head start for determining adjunctive income eligibility. Additional information on the use of these forms can be found in policy 215.42
Complete the following form for your quarterly drop shipment order (order forms are due in March, June, September, and December) or your ISU Distribution Center order form.
To request a specific product to be added to the Iowa WIC Approved Product List (APL), complete the Iowa WIC UPC Submission Form. Please follow submission instructions located on the bottom of the form. Your request will be reviewed and if the product meets the nutritional requirements of the WIC Program, it will be added to the Iowa APL.
WIC Approved Food Flyers list the items which are eligible for participants to purchase. New food items are now added to the Approved Product List every quarter. Food Flyers cannot be updated quite as frequently, so an insert has been developed which lists all updates since the last printing. It is not a requirement to provide this insert to all participants. It is simply a resource for those who are unable to access electronic versions of the WIC approved food list from the WIC Shopper App or the EBT Shopper and IDPH websites.
The Iowa WIC program has several comprehensive reports available which assess health and behavioral characteristics of women, infants, and children enrolled in the WIC Program. The Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System (PNSS) and the Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS) were originally administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor the nutritional status of low-income participants in federally funded maternal and child health programs. In Iowa, data for PNSS and PedNSS is only collected from WIC. WIC uses this information to guide public health policy and action. If you would like additional information, contact Iowa HHS for a data sharing agreement.
The Iowa Department of Public Health has multiple user guides to assist with usage of the website. If you need any assistance with please use the resources located on the Iowa HHS User Guides website.