The table below contains the 30 most recent letters transmitting changes to administrative manuals.  The most recent letter is listed first.  Click on the letter number to view the letter and the transmitted pages. These changes will be incorporated into the chapter on the effective date stated in the letter.

1-F-5February 21, 2025Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter F, Volunteer Services, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-12, revised; 13 and 14, new.
1-E-AP-14June 16, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter E Appendix, Appeals and Hearings Appendix, form 470-5526 and 470-5526(S) revised.
24-B-AP-11January 27, 2023Employees' Manual, Title 24, Chapter B Appendix, General Services Appendix, obsolete.
24-B-5December 16, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter B, Mail and Printing Services, Title Page, Contents 1, pages 1-5, revised; 6-8, removed.
1-E-AP-13October 28, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter E Appendix, Appeals and Hearings Appendix, Title Page, Contents page 1, and pages 1-5, revised; page 6, removed; and form 470-5526 and 470-5526(S), revised.
24-H-AP-4October 7, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter H Appendix, Capital Asset and Supply Inventory Control Appendix, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-4, revised; 4-9, removed.
24-H-5October 7, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter H, Capital Asset and Supply Inventory Control, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10, revised.
23-I-5October 7, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 23, Chapter I, Random Moment Sample System (RMS), Contents Page 1, 1-3, revised; 4, 5-13, 14-16, 17 and 18, and 19-26, removed.
23-F-2June 24, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 23, Chapter F, Services Contracting, page 1, revised.
23-B-8May 20, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 23, Chapter B, Collections, Title Page, Contents Page 1, page 1-4, 5, 6 and 7, revised; 8-11, new.
23-F-1April 22, 2022Employees’ Manual, Title 23, Chapter F, Services Contracting, Title page, new; Contents Page 1, new; and pages 1 and 2, new.
1-F-AP-4July 2, 2021Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter F Appendix, Volunteer Services Appendix, Title Page, Contents Page 1, pages 1 and 2, revised; 2a and 2b, removed; 3 and 4, revised; 5-9 and 10-12, removed.
1-F-4July 2, 2021Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter F, Volunteer Services, Contents Page 1, revised; Contents Page 2, removed; pages 1-12, revised; 13-54, removed.
24-C-5October 2, 2020Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter C, Physical Quarters, page 5-7, 10, 13, 16-20, 21 and 22, revised.
23-B-AP-5June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter B, Appendix, Collections Appendix, obsolete.
23-D-8June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter D, Audits, obsolete.
23-E-AP-10June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter E, Appendix, Issuance of Duplicate or Replacement Warrants Appendix, obsolete.
23-H-AP-9June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter H, Appendix, Travel Claims Appendix, obsolete.
23-K-AP-5June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter K, Appendix, Procurement Appendix, obsolete.
23-L-4June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter L, County Billing and Offset, obsolete.
23-L-AP-4June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 23, Chapter L, Appendix, County Billing and Offset Appendix, obsolete.
24-D-AP-4June 19, 2020Management Manual, Title 24, Chapter D, Appendix, State Vehicles Appendix, obsolete.
1-E-22February 28, 2020Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter E, Appeals and Hearings, Title page, revised; Contents (pages 1 and 2), revised; Contents (page 3), new; pages 1 through 44, revised; and pages 45 through 78, new.
1-E-AP-12February 28, 2020Employees’ Manual, Title 1, Chapter E, Appeals and Hearings Appendix, Title page, revised; Contents (page 1), revised; pages 1 through 5, revised; page 6, new; and the following forms.
24-G-2October 25, 2019Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter G, ICN Video Conferencing, obsolete.  
24-G-AP-2October 25, 2019Employees’ Manual, Title 24, Chapter G, Appendix, ICN Video Conferencing Appendix, obsolete.  
20-B-8May 24, 2019Employees' Manual, Title 20, Chapter B, Office of Communications, obsolete.​
20-B-AP-8May 24, 2019Employees' Manual, Title 20, Chapter B, Office of Communications Appendix, obsolete.
20-C-5May 24, 2019Employees' Manual, Title 20, Chapter C, Forms Management, obsolete.
20-C-AP-7May 24, 2019Employees' Manual, Title 20, Chapter C, Forms Management Appendix, obsolete.