The table below lists the 30 most recent letters transmitting changes to eligibility manuals for the Family Investment Program, SNAP, Medicaid, State Supplementary Assistance, and other benefit payment programs and related systems. The most recent letter is listed first. Click on the letter number to view the letter and the transmitted pages. These changes will be incorporated into the chapter on the effective date stated in the letter.

Letter No.DateSubject
14-B-48December 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 14, Chapter B, Automated Benefit Calculation
System, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-4, 5 and 6, 7-26, revised; 27 and 28, new.
14-J-12December 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 14, Chapter J, EPPIC(R) Electronic Benefit
Transfer System, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-22, revised; 23, removed.
ML 14-B8-41December 6, 2024Cost of Living Adjustments for 2025
7-I-50December 6, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter I, SNAP Specific Households and
Participants, 34-39, revised.
7-C-125December 6, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter C, SNAP Nonfinancial Eligibility, 30, revised.
8-I-87November 1, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Chapter I, Medical Institutions, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1-9, 10, 11-28, 29, 30 and 31, 32-36, 37-40, 41 and 42, 43 and 44, 45 and 46, 47, 48-52, 53, 54-56, 57, 58 and 59, 60-74, revised; 75-85, new.
6-AP-169October 11, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6 Appendix, Income Maintenance Programs Appendix, Contents 1-13, 2 and 3, revised; forms revised and new.
7-H-37October 11, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter H, SNAP Adjustments, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-6, 7, 8-11, 12-17, 18 and 19, 20-23, revised; 24 and 25, new.
7-M-12October 11, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter M, SNAP Employment and Training Program, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-9, revised; 10, new.
6-G-17October 4, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6, Chapter G, Recovery of Public Assistance Debts, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-6, 7, 8-9, revised; 20 and 21, removed.
4-L-20September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 4, Chapter L, Family Investment Program Aliens and Migrants, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-9, 10, 11-28, 29, 30-39, revised; 40-46, new.
7-I-49September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter I, SNAP Specific Households and Participants, Title Page, Contents 1-3, 1-6, 7, 8-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16-23, 24, 25-27, 28, 29 and 30, 31, 32-34, 35, 36-38, 39, 40, 41-47, 48-62, 63, 64-66, revised; 67-73, new.
7-G-75September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter G, SNAP Case Maintenance, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6, 7-9, 10-15, 16-22, 23 and 24, 25, 26-29, 30-32, 33 and 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, 40, 41-43, revised; 44-49, new.
7-F-103September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter F, SNAP Budgeting, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-16, revised; 17 and 18, new.
7-E-124September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter E, SNAP Income, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, Contents 3, revised; Contents 4, new; 1-20, 21, 22-24, 25, 26 and 27, 28 and 29, 30-34, 35 and 36, 37-39, 40-44, 45, 46, 47, 48, revised; 49-57, new.
7-D-50September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter D, SNAP Resources, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1-23, revised; 24, new.
7-C-124September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter C, SNAP Nonfinancial Eligibility, Title
Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-14, 15-18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, 24, 25 and 26, 27, 28-30, 31-33, 34, revised; 35-37, new.
7-B-77September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter B, SNAP Application Processing, Title
Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1-3, 4, 5, 6-8, 9 and 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-30, 31, 32, revised; 33 and 34,
6-AP-168September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6 Appendix, Income Maintenance Programs Appendix, Title Page, Contents page 1-5 and 6-9, revised, Contents page 10-
13 new; pages 1-248, 249-362, revised; 363-401 new, and forms revised.
8-D-111September 13, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 8, Chapter D, Medicaid Resources, Title Page, Contents 1-3, 1-4, 5-18, 19-27, 28, 29-33, 34, 35-46, 47, 48-57, 58, 59-68, 69, 70-97, 98, 99-103, revised; 104-133, new.
6-AP-167July 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6 Appendix, Income Maintenance Appendix, forms
4-J-20July 5, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 4, Chapter J, PROMISE JOBS, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1-56, revised; 57-76, new.
4-B-81July 5, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 4, Chapter B, Family Investment Program Application Processing, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-6, 7, 8-17, 18 and 19, revised; 20-23, new.
13-G-56June 14, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 13, Chapter G, Child Care Assistance, Title Page, Contents 1-3, page 1-114, revised, 115-152, new.
6-AP-166May 17, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6 Appendix, Income Maintenance Programs Appendix, forms revised.
7-I-48May 17, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter I, SNAP Specific Households and Participants, Contents 1 and 2, Contents 3, 11, 25, 26 and 27, 29, 41-46, 47, 64, 65, 66, revised.
5-F-5May 17, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 5, Chapter F, Iowa Family Planning Program, Title Page, 2, 8, revised.
6-H-6May 10, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 6, Chapter H, Rent Reimbursement, Contents 1, 2-5, 6, 13, 15, revised; 16-18, new.
7-G-74May 10, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter G, SNAP Case Maintenance, Contents 1
and 2, 3, 4, 6, 23 and 24, 30 and 31, 32, 37, revised.
7-C-123May 10, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 7, Chapter C, SNAP Nonfinancial Eligibility, Contents 1 and 2, 3, 10, 15, 16-18, 27, revised.