The table below contains the 30 most recent letters transmitting changes to manuals on child welfare, protective services, and other social services.  The most recent letter is listed first.  Click on the letter number to view the letter and the transmitted pages. These changes will be incorporated into the chapter on the effective date stated in the letter.

18-F1-5January 31, 2025Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter F(1), Adoption Permanent Placement Procedures, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, revised; Contents 3, new; 1, 2-69, revised; 70-84, new.
18-AP-62January 31, 2025Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, forms revised.
18-C2-11December 13, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter C(2), Service Provision Case Management, Title Page, Contents 1, Contents 2 and 3, revised; Contents 4, new; 1-14, 15 and 16, 17, 18-40, 41-104, revised; and 105-120, new.
18-AP-61November 22, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 1 and 5-10 and page 8, revised and forms, new and revised. 
18-AP-60September 27, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 10-16, pages 92-95, and 323-474, revised; 475-477, new, and forms revised.
18-A1-7August 9, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter A(1), Child Protective Services Intake, Title Page, Contents Page 1 and 2, 1-43, 44 and 45, 46-75, 76-81, 82-90, revised; 91-103, new.
18-B1-6August 9, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter B(1), Child Protective Services Assessment, Title Page, Contents 1 and 2, 1-199, revised; 200-247, new.
18-B3-6August 9, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter B(3), Dependent Adult Assessment, Title Page, Contents 1-4, revised; Contents 5, new; 1-146, revised; 147-180, new.
18-AP-59July 19, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Title Page, Contents 1-4 and 5-12, revised; Contents 13-16, new; pages 1-8, 9-178, 179 and 180, 181-220, 221-439, revised; 440-474, new, and forms revised.
13-G-56June 14, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 13, Chapter G, Child Care Assistance, Title Page, Contents 1-3, page 1-114, revised, 115-152, new.
18-C2-10May 10, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter C(2), Service Provision Case Management, Contents 2 and 3, 41-55, 56, 57-69, 70-102, revised; 103-105, removed.
18-AP-58May 3, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 5-8, Contents 9-11, revised; Contents 12, new; 179 and 180, 221-366, 367-435, revised; 436-439, new and forms revised and new.
12-F-AP-53April 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 12, Chapter F Appendix, Child Development Home Registration Appendix, forms revised.
12-E-AP-48April 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 12, Chapter E Appendix, Child Care Center Appendix, forms revised.
12-F-33April 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 12, Chapter F, Child Care Home Registration, Contents 2, 54-57, revised.
12-E-24April 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 12, Chapter E, Child Care Centers, Contents 1, 20-27, revised; 28, new.
18-F1-4March 1, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter F(1), Adoption Permanent Placement Procedures, Contents 1 and 2, 2-68, revised; 69, new.
18-AP-57February 23, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 9-11, 367-434, revised; 435, new, forms revised and new.
18-B1-5February 2, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter B(1), Child Protective Services Assessment, 8-16, revised.
18-A1-6February 2, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter A(1), Child Protective Services Intake, 44 and 45, 76-81, revised.
18-D1-6January 26, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter D(1), Child Welfare Foster Family Home, 60, revised.
18-AP-56January 12, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, forms revised.
18-AP-55January 5, 2024Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 1, Contents 2-11, page 9-72, 73-99, 100 and 101, 102-433, revised; 434, new, and forms revised and new.
18-D4-3December 15, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter D(4), Supervised Apartment Living Services, 1-15, revised; 16, new.
18-B2-3December 15, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter B(2), Child Welfare CINA Assessment, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-8, 9-18, revised; 19-24, removed.
18-B1-4December 8, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter B(1), Child Protective Services Assessment, Contents 1 and 2, revised; Contents 3-5, removed; 1-3, 4 and 5, 6-8, 9 and 10, 11, 12-19, 20, 21-27, 28, 29-34, 35 and 36, 37, 38-199, revised; 200-265, removed.
18-AP-54December 8, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, 100 and 101, revised, forms revised.
18-A2-4December 8, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter A(2), CINA Intake, Title Page, Contents 1, 1-8, revised; 9 and 10, removed.
18-F2-4November 10, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18, Chapter F(2), Subsidized Guardianship, Title Page, Contents 1, 1, 2 and 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-14, 15 and 16, 17, 18, revised; 19-21, removed; 22-25, removed.
18-AP-53November 3, 2023Employees’ Manual, Title 18 Appendix, Family Services Appendix, Contents 2-11, 73-416, revised; 417-433, new, and forms revised and added.