
Programs & Services

Requests for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information in Iowa

State Agencies or those contracted with the State Agency to provide a service requiring registry checks use form 460-0643 “Request for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information”

Processing time is between 5-10 business days, on average. 

The Abuse Registry is currently processing forms received on March 25, 2025.

Form can be sent the following ways:

  • Mail to: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, FWBP/CPS/Operations/Registry, 321 E. 12th St, Des Moines, IA  50319
  • Faxed or emailed using the information below

The requestor will receive response from HHS informing if there IS or IS NOT a record of child abuse listing the person as responsible for a founded, registry placed child abuse assessment. Upon further request, the central abuse registry can provide more specific report data.

Information regarding re-dissemination, criminal penalties, and appeals are included on the requesting form.

Key points to ensure the forms come in without issues which prevent us returning unprocessed: 

  • Forms should clearly identify the requesting State Agency, and the name of the agency representative in the top requestor fields
  • The forms should state "child care provider check" in the "Purpose for Request" field
  • Iowa HHS is unable to process a request for Dependent Adult Abuse Information without also receiving form 470-3301 filled out by the potential child care provider/employee. Any record check request for dependent adult abuse, absent this authorization, will be denied.
  • If registry checks will be requested directly by the potential child care provider or child care center directors, form 470-3301 must be used in lieu of 460-0643.
  • Any forms lacking required signatures will be returned, unprocessed.

Form 470-3301 “Authorization for Release of Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information"

Requests for Criminal History Record Checks in Iowa

Iowa is a participant in the Interstate Identification Index (III) and National Fingerprint File (NFF). Agencies from outside of Iowa may request criminal history record checks by doing the following: