Iowa Solutions for Aging with Independence and Longevity (IA SAIL)
The Division of Aging and Disability Services (ADS) within Iowa HHS has launched a project that brings together government agencies and community partners and nonprofits to plan for and address aging issues across a person’s lifespan. The project, called, “Iowa Solutions for Aging with Independence and Longevity,” or "IA SAIL” will gather information from people all across Iowa through steering and subcommittee meetings, surveys and a road tour coming in summer of 2024.
Iowa HHS will draft a Multisector Plan for Aging, including aging with disabilities, (MPA) plan at the end of 2024 to ensure all people of all ages and abilities have access to the right services and supports to age well across their lifespans and in their communities.
IA SAIL Mission and Vision
Mission:To understand, plan for and address aging issues across multiple sectors and systems.To ensure everyone has access to person-centered services and supports needed to age well within their community of choice.
Vision: All persons in Iowa age with independence and health across their lifespans.
Why a Multisector Plan for Aging?
Iowa HHS values and supports all people living in Iowa, regardless of their age or ability, and ensures that all Iowans live and age well within their communities. Achieving that goal requires working together across the government and also with non-profit and for-profit organizations. The MPA will provide a long-term plan for how this teamwork across agencies happens. It will include strategies and goals to ensure real improvements are made and allow all Iowans to live their best lives.
IA SAIL Frequently Asked Questions
A Multisector Plan for Aging is a cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resource that can help states change the infrastructure and coordination of services for their aging populations as well as people with disabilities. The plan:
Provides a clear framework to plan for 10 years or more.
Allows state and elected officials to communicate a common vision and clear priorities.
Guides direction for collaboration across the state, counties, local policies and public and private programs. It puts funding toward aging with dignity.
Reflects input from the community all across the state. This includes people of all ages and abilities, actively considering the needs of populations facing racial and ethnic disparities in aging.
Iowa Solutions for Aging with Independence and Longevity (IA SAIL) is an Iowa HHS project that brings together government agencies, community partners and non profit organizations to address challenges faced related to aging throughout Iowans' lifetimes.
Benefits of building a MPA for Iowa include:
Builds bridges across government agencies and encourages collaboration with local stakeholders.
Promotes equity and fight bias and discrimination.
Raises awareness among policy makers and the public.
Establishes statewide priorities.
Creates academic, research, and other partnerships.
Incorporates a focus on aging and disabilities across state priorities that reach beyond traditional healthcare and community services.
The term “aging” within developing a MPA, refers to how we are all aging from birth to death.
The MPA will create a plan to ensure everyone across one’s lifespan has access to supports and services needed to age well within the community of their choice.
IA SAIL is a project with many different phases. The first phase includes gathering information and feedback from people living in Iowa to draft a plan. Other phases include preparing to launch the plan and monitoring ongoing progress after the plan is live.
The MPA refers to the plan that will be drafted at the end of the first phase of the project. This document will provide guidance and goals to meet over the next 10 years in Iowa.
IA SAIL is a collaborative effort to address challenges Iowans face throughout their lives. The two project work hand-in-hand, but are seperate efforts.
Get Involved with IA SAIL
IA SAIL invites you to participate in making a recommendation(s) on how to address aging and disability issues in Iowa.
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IA SAIL Subcommittee meetings were held between April and June. The Subcommittee meetings were led by Steering Committee members.
Recommendations from the Subcommittee meetings were compiled and are currently being discussed within the June and July Steering Committee meetings with a final review and vote in August.
The recommendations are one piece of information that will be used in helping to shape Iowa’s MPA goals and strategies.
Please contact Eugenia Kendall to coordinate an IA SAIL focus group discussion at
IA SAIL Timeline - Year One
IA SAIL Timeline - Year One
February 2024
Steering Committee Kick-Off Meeting
Review roles and responsibilities and confirm MPA domains.
March 2024
Steering Committee Meeting 2
Determine topics needing further review and create subcommittees.
IA SAIL Webpage Launch
April 2024
Launch a webpage for the IA SAIL project on the Iowa HHS website.
April - June 2024
Subcommittees Meet
Collaborate and decide on topics to cover, how to improve that area and provide recommendations.
April - July 2024
Feedback Survey
Send out a feedback survey both internally and externally to gather information and suggestions from staff, partners and the general public.
May - June 2024
Agency and Parter Interviews
Interview government agencies and local partners to find areas of focus and receive feedback.
May - June 2024
Focus Groups
Hold focus groups with diverse and underserved populations.
June - July 2024
Steering Committee 3
Review subcommittee recommendations and submit them to Iowa ADS.
Summer 2024
Town Hall Road Tour
The IA SAIL team hits the road with HHS leadership to visit and share about the project within Iowa communities.
Fall 2024
Draft MPA
Based on feedback and recommendations, Iowa ADS will draft the MPA.