When a member is approved for Medicaid, they are assigned to a managed care organization (MCO) and dental plan. Members have 90 days from their initial enrollment to change their MCO or their dental plan for any reason.

After a member has been with an MCO or dental plan for 12 months, they may change their MCO or dental plan for any reason during their annual Open Choice period.

  • Members who wish to change their MCO during their initial enrollment period or during their Open Choice period may use the MCO Change form to submit their choice. 
  • Members who wish to change their dental plan during their initial enrollment or during their Open Choice period may use the Dental Carrier Change form to submit their choice. 
  • Members who wish to keep their current MCO or dental plan do NOT need to take any action to keep their current plans.  

Members who are not within their initial enrollment or Open Choice period may only change MCOs for reasons of good cause.

Good Cause Reasons


Changing Your MCO or Dental Plan

Complete one of the following steps to change your MCO or dental plan:

  • Web: Complete the MCO Change form and submit it to Iowa Medicaid Member Services. Please note that you will need to download the form in order to submit it. 
  • Email:  imememberservices@hhs.iowa.gov 
  • Phone: Call Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-338-8366 or locally in the Des Moines area at 515-256-4606.
  • Mail: Return the completed MCO Change form through the mail to:
    Member Services
    PO Box 36510
    Des Moines, IA 50315

    Iowa Medicaid is not responsible for lost or delayed mail. Change forms received after the deadline may not be processed.

Open Choice FAQs