The Child Welfare Partners Committee (CWPC) was established in December 2008, and is comprised of a Steering Committee and various work groups. The Steering Committee provides overall guidance and leadership to the partners work groups. The Steering Committee and work groups focus on the full range of child welfare contracted services.



Both the public and private child welfare agencies have critical roles to play in meeting the needs of Iowa's children and families. A stronger public-private partnership is essential to achieve positive results. The children and families we jointly serve deserve no less than our best collaborative effort.



The combined experience and perspective of public and private agencies provide the best opportunity to reach our mutual goals: child safety, permanency and well-being for Iowa's children and families. Collaboration and shared accountability will keep the focus on child welfare outcomes.



The Child Welfare Partners Committee promotes, practices, and models the way for effective collaboration and system improvements. This committee exists because both public and private agencies recognize the need for a strong partnership to advance the child welfare system through shared decision-making and solution-focused actions to positively impact the lives of children and families in Iowa. 



The Partners Steering Committee and Work Groups will operate in a manner that is consistent with the following guiding principles:

  • Courtesy & Respect
  • Honesty & Confidentiality
  • Balance competing priorities & manage inevitable conflicts of interest
  • Strive for consensus
  • Present a united front


Membership Guidelines

September 14, 2023 Meeting Notes

October 12, 2023 Meeting Notes

November 9, 2023 Meeting Notes