Content Information
A. Purpose of Surveillance and Reporting
- To identify and control outbreaks.
- To help identify the source (e.g., pet stores, workers in a facility with excess dust or unrecognized bird droppings) and prevent further transmission.
- To monitor the emergence of psittacosis in new areas and new risk groups.
- To design more effective control or prevention methods.
B. Laboratory and Healthcare Provider Reporting Requirements
Iowa Administrative Code 641-1.3(139) stipulates that the laboratory and the healthcare provider must report. The preferred method of reporting is by utilizing the Iowa Disease Surveillance System (IDSS). However, if IDSS is not available to your facility the reporting number for IDPH Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology (CADE) is (800) 362-2736; fax number (515) 281-5698, mailing address:
Lucas State Office Building, 5th Floor
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Postage-paid disease reporting forms are available free of charge from the Iowa HHS clearinghouse. Call (319) 398-5133
Consult with CADE (1-800-362-2736) or the University of Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) (319-335-4500) concerning proper specimen collection and testing.
Report any of the following:
- Isolation of C. psittaci from respiratory secretions; or
- Fourfold or greater increase in antibody against C. psittaci by complement fixation (CF); or microimmunofluorescence (MIF) to a reciprocal titer of greater than or equal to 32 between paired acute- and convalescent-phase serum specimens ; or
- Presence of immunoglobulin M antibody (IgM) against C. psittaci by MIF to a reciprocal titer of greater than or equal to 16.
C. Local Public Health Agency Follow-up Responsibilities
Case Investigation
- It is the LPHA responsibility to complete a case investigation by interviewing the case and others who may be able to provide pertinent information. Much of the information can be obtained from the caseās healthcare provider or the medical record.
- Use the following guidelines to complete the IDSS form:
- Accurately record the demographic information (including full name and address), date of symptom onset, healthcare provider information, whether hospitalized (including location and associated dates), therapy received, and outcome of disease (e.g., recovered, died).
- Diagnostic tests: Complete questions on the type(s), date(s), and result(s) of any diagnostic tests.
- Exposure history: Use the approximate incubation period range for psittacosis (1-4 weeks). Specifically, focus on the period beginning about 1 week prior to the caseās onset date back to approximately 4 weeks before onset for the following exposures:
- Occupation/duties: Determine the occupation of the case. Determine whether the case had any occupational exposure to birds or other animals (e.g., farmer, pet store worker, poultry plant worker).
- Bird contact: Ask the case about contact with birds (psittacine birds, pigeons, domestic fowl, or other birds). If possible, indicate the type, number of birds, and health of the birds to which the case was exposed.
- Contact with a human case of psittacosis: Ask the case if he/she had recent contact with a person with pneumonia.
- Indicate where and when any of the above exposures occurred.
- Investigation of source: Record any information regarding the testing of birds suspected as the caseās source of infection.
- If several unsuccessful attempts have been made to obtain case information, (e.g., the case or healthcare provider does not return calls or respond to a letter, or the case refuses to divulge information or is too ill to be interviewed), complete the IDSS form with as much information as possible. If using IDSS, select the appropriate reason under the Event tab in the Event Exception field.
- Complete the form in IDSS or, if mailing, attach the lab report(s) and mail (in an envelope marked āConfidentialā) to IDPH the Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology. The mailing address is:
Iowa Department of Public Health, CADE
Lucas State Office Building, 5th Floor
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Institution of disease control measures is an integral part of case investigation. It is the LPHA responsibility to understand, and, if necessary, institute the control guidelines listed in Controlling Spread.