Content Information
A. Isolation and Quarantine Requirements
All suspect and known cases will be isolated at an appropriate site, which may include a healthcare facility or at home. When caring for smallpox patient adhere to Standard, Contact and Airborne Precautions. This includes an N 95 or better mask, goggles, gloves and gown and if hospitalized, a negative pressure room. All persons caring for smallpox patients should be vaccinated for smallpox.
All susceptible contacts will be in quarantine until an incubation period has passed. Quarantine orders will be issued by IDPH or the local public health agency. Release from quarantine will be done by written notice.
B. Protection of Contacts of a Case
Contacts of cases should be given smallpox vaccine as soon as possible, ideally within five days of exposure. This may prevent or reduce the severity of disease.
C. Managing Special Situations
If a suspect or known case of smallpox infection is reported in your county or if you suspect an outbreak, immediately consult with the epidemiologist on-call for CADE at (800) 362-2736. CADE can help determine a course of action to prevent further cases and can perform surveillance for cases that may cross several county lines and therefore be difficult to identify at a local level.
D. Preventive Measures
Environmental Measures
The best way to prevent smallpox is to vaccinate all those potentially exposed and susceptible. Refer to smallpox section of your local public health agency’s bioemergency plan.
Preventive Measures/Education
People involved in smallpox response should
- Annually update knowledge about smallpox and response to an event.
- Maintain adequate numbers of trained key responders.
Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Reviewed 7/15