The purpose of The State of Iowa Youth Advisory Council (SIYAC is to foster communication among a group of engaged youth from across Iowa between the ages of 14 and 20 and the governor, general assembly, and state and local policymakers regarding programs, policies, and practices affecting youth and families; and to advocate for youth on important issues affecting youth. SIYAC was originally established in 2001 by Governor Tom Vilsack as a way to inform legislators and policymakers on issues important to youth.  In 2009, SIYAC was established in Iowa Code §216A.140(8) under the Department of Human Rights, Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. These youth leaders are selected to represent all Iowa youth and engage in topics important to young Iowans.  Concerns are drafted and shared with policy makers during the legislative session.    

2024-2025 State of Iowa Youth Advisory Council Application

Contact:  Kayla Powell, Youth Development Coordinator, 515-343-6412,

List items for SIYAC Accordion