
Programs & Services

HHS provides support and services to Iowans aged 60 years and older. We also help people in this age group with more specific social and economic needs.

In 2050, it's estimated that 19.9% of Iowa's population will be age 65 or older. This means our services are more important now than ever.

We work to empower older adults to maintain their independence. We advocate on behalf of older Iowans to ensure their rights, safety, and well-being.

Aging and senior care services serve Iowans aged 60 years and older. We also help people with more specific social and economic needs.

View the Iowa State Plan on Aging

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Draft State Plan on Aging

Iowa HHS’ Division of Aging & Disability Services invites public review and comment on the draft State Plan on Aging, a federally required roadmap guiding services for older Iowans and caregivers over the next four years.

The draft plan outlines key aging issues, goals, and strategies to enhance quality of life, support caregivers, and promote age-friendly communities. It addresses critical concerns such as elder abuse prevention, caregiver support, food insecurity, social isolation, and access to essential services. By establishing clear priorities, the plan helps ensure that resources remain accessible, effective, and sustainable for those in greatest need.

Ways to participate:

  1. Review draft State Plan on Aging Executive Summary, Context, and Draft Goals and Objectives.
  2. Complete Public Comment Form.
    1. Complete form online.
    2. Download a printable version of form. Mail to:
      ATTN: Eugenia Kendall
      Lucas Building
      321 E 12th St.
      Des Moines, IA 50319
    3. To request form in an alternative format or other language please contact Eugenia Kendall at
  3. Attend the virtual public comment session on March 26 at 10 a.m.
    1. Click this hyperlink to attend the virtual public comment session.
    2. Attend in-person at: 400 SW 8th Street, Suite Q, Des Moines IA 50309
    3. If you want to attend in person, please fill out this sign-up form.
    4. The session will be recorded and is an opportunity for comment from the general public. It is not a question-and-answer period. All attendees will remain on mute until they have indicated they would like to make a comment. Speakers are asked to identify themselves and the organization they represent (if applicable). Oral comments will be limited to three minutes. Persons wishing to summit written comment to supplement oral comments may do so online or via email or mail by April 10, 2025.    
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Core Functions

Health and Support Services

To support policies, programs, and wellness initiatives that empower older Iowans to stay active and healthy in their communities to improve their access to affordable, high-quality, long-term living and community supports.

Planning, Development, and Coordination

To conduct planning, policy development, administration, coordination, priority-setting, and evaluation of all state activities related to the objectives of the federal Older Americans Act.

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Contact Information

For information about the services and supports available in your area contact LifeLong Links online or call to speak with a service navigator near you. Find your Iowa Area Agencies on Aging here.

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