The purpose of the Medical Assistance Advisory Council (MAAC) is to advise the Medicaid director about health and medical care services under the medical assistance program. The Council is mandated by federal law and further established in Iowa Code. MAAC meets quarterly.
Upcoming Medical Assistance Advisory Council (MAAC) Meeting
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 14, 2024
Time: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
- Virtual: Zoom
- Zoom link:
- Meeting ID: 160 544 5705
Meeting Agenda (to come)
Meeting Materials (to come)
Upcoming Meetings:
MAAC Resources
Federal Statutes and Code
Agency Dashboards
Additional Resources
- Managed Care Organization (MCO)
- Agency Dashboards
- Medicaid Performance and Reports
- Iowa Health Link
- Value-Added Services
- Dental Wellness Plan
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
- Medicaid Budget Report
Digital Recordings are available upon request. Please contact for further information on the MAAC.