PATH stands for the Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness, a program offered by Iowa HHS. Iowa PATH workers reach out to adults who are homeless and live with mental illness, substance abuse and trauma, offering them connections to hope, healing, resilience, housing, treatment and recovery in Iowa's mental health system of care.

The Iowa PATH program is funded by a federal grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA). Provider agencies in Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Iowa City and Dubuque provide PATH services under a contract with Iowa HHS' Behavioral Health Division.

PATH-Funded Services

  1. Outreach and engagement by trained, caring, respectful workers
  2. Hope and training in resiliency
  3. Short term case management
  4. Assistance in obtaining permanent supportive housing (preferred), transitional housing, or emergency shelter
  5. Assistance in obtaining screening and diagnostic treatment, medications, and co-occurring mental health and substance abuse treatment
  6. Referrals for primary health care, Social Security Disability applications, job training, educational services, and other mainstream services

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PATH Providers
