Performance management (PM) is the systematic process of using data to make decisions. Data is used to measure, monitor, and communicate progress toward intended outcomes. Quality improvement (QI) tools are used to overcome barriers to progress.

The HHS PM system is comprised of three key elements:

  1. The Results-Based Accountabilityâ„¢ framework helps teams identify their customers and answer three important questions about their performance: How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off?
  2. Collecting, analyzing, and publishing performance data means teams will have the information they need to make good decisions. It also allows interested parties to see and understand a team’s work.
  3. Quarterly PM workshops create the time, space, and process needed for this work. Facilitated intra- and inter-team discussions help teams develop strategies for improvement, identify QI opportunities, and discover areas of collaboration.

Click on a hyperlinked team name to see visualizations of that team’s performance measures as well as important context to better understand each measure.

New teams, measures, and context are added to this page frequently.