Nitrate and nitrite are nitrogen-oxygen molecules that can combine with many organic and inorganic compounds. Nitrate is the form commonly found in water, often in areas where nitrogen-based fertilizers are used. The greatest use of nitrate is as a fertilizer.

The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for nitrate is 10 mg/L in drinking water.

Measure Description:

  • Nitrate Tests is the number of Nitrate tests conducted on private water wells.
  • Elevated Nitrate Tests >= 10 mg/L is the number of Nitrate tests conducted on private water wells with a result greater than or equal to 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L).
  • Percent Elevated Nitrate Tests is the percent of Nitrate tests conducted on private water wells that were elevated.
  • The Average Nitrate Level is the average result of the Nitrate tests conducted on private water wells.
  • The Maximum Nitrate Level is the highest result of the Nitrate tests conducted on private water wells.

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