Welcome to Iowa Health Link, Iowa Medicaid's Managed Care Program!
Most Iowa Medicaid members are enrolled in the Iowa Health Link managed care program. This program gives you health coverage through a Managed Care Organization (MCO) that you get to choose.
Members can change their MCO or dental carrier once every 12 months during their Open Choice period. If a member wants to change their plan when the Open Choice period is closed, they must have a reason of Good Cause.
Good Cause Reasons
Your provider/dentist of record is not in your MCO's/dental carrier's network.
You need related services to be performed at the same time and not all related services are available within your current MCO's/dental carrier's provider network. Your Primary Care Provider/dentist or another provider determined that receiving the services separately would subject you to unnecessary risk.
Lack of access to providers experienced in dealing with your health care/dental needs
Your provider has been terminated or no longer participates with your MCO/dental carrier.
Lack of access to services covered under the contract
Poor quality of care given by your MCO/dental carrier
The MCO or dental carrier plan does not cover the services you need due to moral or religious objections.
The team at Iowa Medicaid wants you to be happy with your MCO or dental carrier. If you are requesting to change your MCO or dental carrier due to Good Cause, please follow the steps below.
First, you must contact your current MCO/dental carrier to go through the MCO's/dental carrier's grievance process for resolution.
The MCO grievance process may take up to 30-45 days to process.
The dental carrier grievance process may take up to 30-45 days to process.
MCO Member-Specific Contact Information
Please contact your MCO or dental carrier's Member Services department:
If your issue has not been resolved following the decision of your grievance, you may call Iowa Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-338-8366 or locally in the Des Moines area at 515-256-4606, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for additional assistance. The final decision for disenrollment will be determined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).