Welcome to the Iowa Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program's (LIHEAP) Members Only page. This page is dedicated to the Community Action Agencies in Iowa operating the LIHEAP Program. It is a place to find documents related to the program. If you would like something added to this page, please email bill.marquess@hhs.iowa.gov LIHEAP Program Manager. Suggestions are always welcome!
LIHEAP Members Only Resources
Please visit LIHEAP Appeals for more information.
Please visit Bill Inserts for more information.
Denial Letter (Word) (uploaded 08/15/18)
Note: no updates for FY24
ICAA (Iowa Community Action Association)
ICAA has put together a template flyer with Energy Conservation tips. ICAA can modify the flyer, to add your agency's information and logo, if you are interested in having this available to the households you serve in your community. Please reach out to ICAA at info@iowacommunityaction.org if your agency would like a personalized flyer.
For all IDEA agendas and meeting minutes, visit the Member Page of https://iowacommunityaction.org/ , as IDEA is an Iowa Community Action Association sub-group.
Username: icaamember
Password: stayconnected
These are the programmatic monitoring tools used by state staff (Bill M. and Asgdish) for FY21.
Monitoring Questionnaire/Report (uploaded 07/18/21)
Vendor Files (uploaded 07/18/21)
Household Files (uploaded 07/18/21)
Note: no updates for FY24
Sam.gov search instructions are below.
Search Instructions (PDF) (uploaded 08/02/21)
Note: no updates for FY24
Bill Marquess, Program Manager
Phone: 515-473-8575
Email: bill.marquess@hhs.iowa.gov
Asgdish Fellake, Program Planner
Phone: 515-473-4853
Email: asgdish.fellake@hhs.iowa.gov
As per Section 22.5 of the LIHEAP Contract, Closeout Reports are due within 45 calendar days of the end of the Contract period.
LIHEAP-20CA Closeout Form (Excel) (uploaded 09/16/21)
LIHEAP-21 Closeout Form (Excel) (uploaded 09/16/21)
Note: no changes for FY24
This form's use is required for ECIP-only heating system repair ($500 or more) and replacement. This form does NOT have to be completed electronically. The inspector may complete it by hand. There is no need to duplicate efforts by completing by hand and then electronically.
ECIP Heating Unit Inspection Sheet (PDF) (uploaded 10/04/19)
ECIP Heating Unit Inspection Sheet (Excel) (uploaded 10/04/19)
Note: no changes for FY24
Intake Form Definitions (PDF) (uploaded 09/6/23)
Intake Form – English Hard Copy (PDF) (updated 09/13/24)
Intake Form – English Fillable (PDF) (uploaded 09/13/24)
Intake Form – Spanish Hard Copy (PDF) (uploaded 09/13/24)
Intake Form – Spanish Fillable (PDF) (uploaded 09/13/24)
Intake Form – Arabic (PDF) (uploaded 09/13/24)
Intake Form – Burmese (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Chuukese (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – French (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Karen (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Laotian (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Marshallese (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Pashto (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Russian (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Simplified Chinese (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Intake Form – Swahili (PDF) (uploaded 10/4/23)
Iowa Lead-Safe Report
Completed for every pre-1978 structure by the Certified Lead Renovator.
Iowa Lead-Safe Report (current form date 08/13/13)
Lead-Safe Report Sample
Note: no changes for FY24
FY25 Monthly Expenditure Report (Excel) (uploaded 09/13/24)
* Due the 10th of each month
* Instructions - Written (PDF) (uploaded 08/31/20)
* Instructions - Excel Spreadsheet with Notations (PDF) (08/31/20)
DCAA Email Expenditure Report Procedures
Subgrantees of the DCAA electronically submit expense reports for CSBG, LIHEAP, FaDSS, and Weatherization (DOE, HEAP, and Utilities). The following protocol is required for electronic submission:
- Subgrantees will prepare and process their Monthly Expenditure Reports according to DCAA requirements and the subgrantee’s established process.
- Each report must have an authorized signature.
- Each report must be sent as a PDF file by separate email.
- The subject line and the PDF file for each email must identify the DCAA program, month, and year for each report (e.g., LIHEAP-20-01 January).
- The subgrantee must maintain an original signed copy of the report submitted in accordance with DCAA contract requirements. Original copies must be available for review at the request of the DCAA.
- Reports must be emailed to dcaa@hhs.iowa.gov.
- Subgrantees will receive an automated response from dcaa@hhs.iowa.gov acknowledging the receipt of the email.
Agencies may submit reports electronically or by regular mail. Agencies are not allowed to use one method of submission for some DCAA programs and another method for other DCAA programs, or to use one method one month and another method for a different month. DCAA has been advised by the Department of Administrative Services that agencies must submit invoices to the State in accordance with the agency's "normal business practice", which can be by either method, but not both. If your agency establishes email submission as your normal business practice for submission, all DCAA reports would need to be submitted in that manner. Reports not submitted according to the agency's normal business practice will not be accepted.
Proxy Form (Excel)
Self-Employment Form (Excel)
Note: no changes for FY25
Energy Crisis (Reconnect, Continuity, Cooling) Waiver Request
Note: no change for FY25