Evaluation is an integral part of primary prevention in Iowa and is woven into all aspects of prevention. Collecting outcome data helps inform future prevention efforts by identifying effective prevention services. The Bureau of Substance Use prevention contractors use a variety of required data collection systems for grant evaluation purposes. Contractor use of each system is dependent on grant expectations. Any grant specific evaluation forms, resources and trainings are noted in the "Grant Information" section of this portal. The three systems currently supported are listed below:
Community Check Box Evaluation System
The Community Check Box (CCB) Evaluation System is used by some grants to gather and document process data related to environmental strategy implementation. This system includes supports for documenting data, creating online graphs and reports, engaging in reflection and sensemaking around data, and linking to online supports for improvement. This system is supported through the Center of Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas.
CCB guidance
- Community Check Box Evaluation System Coding Instructions and Definitions Guide
- Community Check Box Data Entry Review Process
- Community Check Box Coding Cheat Sheet
- Iowa Strategic Prevention Framework Grant Projects CCB website
- To add/change users, report functionality issues or ask questions about a monthly review report, contact Jenny Lawlor at jlawlor@ku.edu.
- To request a data entry extension or ask coding/strategy questions, contact your IDPH Project Coordinator.
Prevention Survey
The Iowa HHS Prevention Survey instruments are utilized in some grants for pre/post surveying all evidence-based, multi-session prevention programs. These survey instruments should not be used with one-session prevention programs nor with adult participants. Completed surveys are entered into the Qualtrics system, which is the Iowa HHS approved web-based system for collecting and analyzing prevention data. Results are then used for grant evaluation purposes.
Prevention Survey Guidance
- Prevention Survey Parent Letter (Active)
- Prevention Survey Parent Letter (Passive)
- Prevention Survey Agency or School Administrator Consent Form
- Prevention Survey Guidelines and Survey Entry Instructions
- Qualtrics User Guide – Editing Data
- Qualtrics User Guide – Entering Data
- Qualtrics Log In website
Prevention Survey Instruments
Spanish Language Materials
- IDPH Prevention Survey Instrument for Younger Youth
- IDPH Prevention Survey Instrument for Youth
- IDPH Prevention Survey Parent Letter (Active)
- IDPH Prevention Survey Parent Letter (Passive)
- To ask questions about survey forms, activity codes, or about the survey process, contact bsaprevention@idph.iowa.gov.
REDCap Prevention System
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is used to report direct prevention services provided through the Integrated Provider Network grant. The data entered into this system are reported to the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration as a funding requirement.
- To add/change users, report functionality issues or to ask questions about data entry review, contact the Substance Use Problem Gambling Data Help Desk at sapgdata@idph.iowa.gov.
- To request a data reporting or revision extension, submit through IowaGrants.gov correspondence.