Welcome to the Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program’s Members Only page. This page is dedicated to the Community Action Agencies in Iowa operating the Weatherization Program. It is a place to find all documents related to the program.
HHS monitors the Weatherization program at each local agency on an annual basis. Among the items reviewed are the contracts that the agencies enter into with the Weatherization, heating system, water heater, electrical, and specialty contractors. The administrative program monitor reviews the contracts for all required language. The monitor may also recommend that certain language be added to clarify the contract.
Below, are contract templates that include all required and recommended language. Agencies may use these templates, revising them as needed. Use of these contracts does not guarantee that the contractors will be awarded jobs with the agency.
* NOTE: It is highly recommended that the Local Agency have its attorney review the contract language before entering an agreement with contractors. The contract templates have NOT been reviewed by an attorney and are simply guides.
Contract Templates:
- Weatherization Competitive Bid
- Cookstoves
- Heating System/Water Heater Competitive Bid
- Worker's Compensation Waiver
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
Copeland Anti-Kickback Act Statement
Debarred or Suspended Contractors/Suppliers
Equal Employment Opportunity
Executive Order 11246
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
Federal Regulations 10 CFR 440, Appendix A
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes
Uniform Mechanical Code
W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID
Worker's Compensation Compliance
The Weatherization "Program Year" (PY) is from April 1 through March 31 of the next year.
Although the program contract dates do not all coincide with the program year timeframe, we observe PY24 from April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025 and PY25 from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026.
- DOE-24 Contract (April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025)
- DOE-BIL22 Contract (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025)
- HEAP-24 Contract (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
- HEAP-3E Contract (June 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024)
- BHE-24 Contract (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
- IPL-24 Contract (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
- MEC-24 Contract (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
* The utility contract is the same for Black Hills (BHE), IPL, and Mid-American (MEC). However, the utility-paid measures chart in Section 7.0 of the contracts are not the same for all of the utilities; Black Hills does not supply electricity, therefore, they do not pay for CFLs, electric water heaters, refrigerators, or freezers.
Iowa has been determined to have the possibility of high radon levels in every county in the state. In order to educate clients on the possible hazards of radon, each client will be provided with the EPA brochure titled “A Citizen’s Guide to Radon” or the "Radon in Iowa" handout.
Clients with suspected asbestos in the home will be provided with a two-page informational sheet titled “Asbestos in Homes”, which identifies possible concerns of having asbestos in the home.
Client/House Files:
- Client/House files must be set up with a separate file folder for each house (or client). Each file must contain a checklist of all required documentation. Documentation in the files must be in the order of the checklist.
- See a sample: Client/House Files Checklist
Contractor Files:
- Contractor files must be set up with a separate file folder for each contractor and sub-contractor. Each file must contain a checklist of all required documentation. Documentation in the files must be in the order of the checklist.
- See a sample: Contractor/Sub-Contractor Files Checklist
Agency Staff and Contractor Licensing and Training Tracking Sheet:
- Keeping track of agency staff and contractor/sub-contractor licenses and trainings can be a nightmare. The tracking sheets below were developed for administrative program monitoring but can also be used at the agency level.
- Agency Staff Licensing and Training Tracking Sheet
Bid Tabulation Sheets:
Change Orders:
Client Satisfaction Surveys:
Inspection Forms:
Invitations to Bid:
- To Contractor Regarding Poor Work Quality
- Weatherization Client Sample 1
- Weatherization Client Sample 2
Minor Home Alone Statements:
Notices to Proceed:
Refrigeration Appliances Spreadsheet:
Iowa law requires that contractors and sub-contractors performing certain services, such as heating system work, water heater work, and electrical hook-ups and repairs, are licensed.
- The Iowa Department of Public Safety oversees work requiring an electrical license.
Plumbing & Mechanical:
- The Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing oversees work requiring a Plumbing & Mechanical license. A search for licensed individuals can be conducted by visiting the Plumbing & Mechanical Systems Licensure page.
For quick reference, see the Licensing Requirements Chart.
Candidate Measures:
Fuel Costs:
- The same fuel costs are to be used for both the NEAT and MHEA Audits.
Insulation Types:
- The same insulation types are to be used for both the NEAT and MHEA Audits.
Water Heater Look-Up:
- AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute)
Policy and Procedures Manual:
- The Iowa Weatherization Program Policies and Procedures Manual provides information needed to administer the Iowa Weatherization Program. The information includes program policies, procedures, and practices for both the administrative and technical areas of the program.
- Although the Policy and Procedures Manual provides policy and procedure guidelines for both the administrative and technical areas of the program, it does not take the place of the weatherization contracts, Iowa Weatherization State Plan, federal rules and regulations, and the other weatherization manuals. Those documents, regulations, and manuals must be used with this manual if the agency is going to effectively administer the Weatherization Program.
- Policy and Procedures Manual (effective 06-10-24)
Work Standards Manual
- The Iowa Weatherization Program Work Standards Manual provides information needed to fulfill technical areas of the Weatherization Program.
- Although the Technical Standards Manual provides guidelines for the technical areas of the program, it does not take the place of the weatherization contracts, Iowa Weatherization State Plan, federal rules and regulations, and the other weatherization manuals. Those documents, regulations, and manuals must be used with this manual if the agency is going to effectively administer the Weatherization Program.
- Work Standards - Word Document (effective 06-10-24)
- Work Standards - PDF Document (effective 06-10-24)
General Appendix
- The General Appendix accompanies both the Policies and Procedures Manual and the Work Standards Manual.
- Although the General Appendix provides accompaniment to the Policies and Procedures and Work Standards Manuals, it does not take the place of the weatherization contracts, Iowa Weatherization State Plan, federal rules and regulations, and other weatherization manuals. Those documents, regulations, and manuals must be used in conjunction with this manual if the agency is going to effectively administer the Weatherization Program.
- The General Appendix consists of the following sections (effective 6-1-23):
- Cost Limits & Allowances
- Forms - Handouts
- TI-89 Calculator
- Formulas and Measurements
- Health & Safety Plan
- NEAT/MHEA Audit Manual
- Refrigeration Replacement Manual
- State Siding Protocol
- DOE Rules
- Appendix A Material Standards
- Client Communication and Education
- Energy Principles
- Building Construction Problem Areas
- Weatherization Terminology
Retrofitting Guide
- The Iowa Retrofitting Guide contains information and pictures on proper retrofitting in the Iowa Weatherization Program.
- Retrofitting Guide (effective 6-1-23)
- The WAMS Manual contains instructions for operating the WAMS reporting program.
- WAMS Manual
PY24 Program Notices:
- PN24-06 Flat Rate
- PN24-05 Gas Leaks on Utility Side
- PN24-04 Updated Weatherization Measures Expenditure Limits Table
- PN24-03 DOE-24 Programmatic Changes
- PN24-02 BIL and DOE-24 ACPU
- PN24-01 WAweb, Gas Dryers, and General Health & Safety Repairs Limit
PY23 Program Notices:
PY22 Program Notices:
- PN22-01 DOE PY22 Contracts, training requirements for field staff, and maximum cost limits per House and for Health & Safety
- PN22-02 Weatherization Readiness Funds, WRF application form, and WRF Processes email WRF Application Form (dated 12/2021)
- PN22-03 Effective 07/01/2022, the amount of support for deferrals increases to $50
PY21 Program Notices:
- PN21-01 Emergency Health Preparedness Policy updates (pre-audit and job site protocols, PPE expenses)
- PN21-02 Revisions to Iowa Weatherization Work Standards and Field Guide, and WAMS reporting of two-part foam and window/door replacements/repairs
- PN21-03 Revisions to Reported Expenses (two-part foam)
- PN21-04 Knob & Tube Special Project beginning 01-01-2022 (optional)
- PN21-05 Emergency Health Preparedness Policy updates (pre-audit and job-site protocols)
PY20 Program Notices:
- PN20-01 Response to Covid-19 Virus
- PN20-02 WAP Administrative Funds
- PN20-03 WAP Funding
- PN20-04 Re-Opening of the Weatherization Program
- PN20-05 Reporting Expense
PY16 Program Notices:
- PN16-01 Program Change - LEDs approved for use in Iowa Weatherization Program
PY15 Program Notices:
- PN15-02 Program Changes (freezers, fuel switching, electricans and lead renovator)
- PN15-01 Final implementation of 2014 Iowa Weatherization Work Standard
PY14 Program Notices:
- PN14-04 Policies & Procedures Manual (PPM) and Weatherization General Appendix revised - Program Notice outlines major changes in the PPM
- PN14-03 Emergency Weatherization
- PN14-02 OSHA Training Requirements
- PN14-01 Work Standards Changes
PY13 Program Notices:
- PN13-03 Lead Paint Protocol Changes, Iowa Weatherization Lead-Safe Report PDF Document
- PN13-02 New Appendix Sections
- PN13-01 Program Changes
PY12 Program Notices:
- PN12-04 Program Changes
- PN12-03 Changes in Policies and Procedures
- PN12-02 Program Year 2012 Changes
- PN12-01 DOE changes in costs and allowability
PY11 Program Notices:
- PN11-02 Iowa Weatherization Policy and Procedures Manual - Revised
- PN11-01 Furnace/Water Heater Replacement for Efficiency Reasons
PY10 Program Notices:
- PN10-05 Changes in the Work Standards, Policy Clarifications
- PN10-04 Procurement for Furnace Work
- PN10-03 SHPO Compliance
- PN10-02 Multi-Unit Dwellings
- PN10-01 Program Year 2010 Changes
PY09 Program Notices:
- PN09-04 Vermiculite and Exhaust Fans
- PN09-03 Changes in Policies and Requirements
- PN09-02b Training & Technical Assistance (T&TA) Funds – Revised
- PN09-02a Training & Technical Assistance (T&TA) Funds – Revised
- PN09-02 Training & Technical Assistance (T&TA) Funds
- PN09-01 Program Year 2009 Changes
PY08 Program Notices:
- PN08-01 Program Year 2007 & 2008 Changes
PY07 Program Notices:
Energy Auditors
- All Iowa Energy Auditors must take the Lead Renovation course within 60 days of hire. It is recommended that all energy auditors are also Certified Lead Renovators.
- All Iowa Energy Auditors must take Basic Auditor, Furnace and Combustion Health & Safety, NEAT/MHEA Audit, and Mold/Moisture/ASHRAE within 12 months of hire.
QCI Inspectors
- All Iowa QCI Inspectors must be Certified Lead Renovators within 60 days of hire.
- Every contractor performing work on weatherization homes in Iowa must have a Certified Lead Renovator on staff, within 60 days of contracting with the agency. NOTE: Appliance vendors and subcontractors are exempt from this requirement. If disturbing lead, the Certified Lead Renovator of record must ensure Lead Safe Work Practices are followed, including providing on-the-job training, if needed.
Crew Supervisors
- All Iowa Weatherization crew supervisors must be Certified Lead Renovators within 60 days of hire.
Crew Members
- All Iowa Weatherization crew members must take the Lead Renovation course within 60 days of hire. It is recommended that all crew members are also Certified Lead Renovators.
Quality Control Inspector
- All Weatherization Inspectors throughout the U.S. and its territories is required to be a Quality Control Inspector (QCI). Only QCIs may inspect weatherization homes in Iowa. See the link below for more information.
- QCI (Quality Control Inspector)
Basic Auditor
- This 5-day course is a combination of classroom and in-field training. The course is designed for new evaluators/inspectors, but may also be used as a refresher for other evaluators/inspectors. The course will cover the basics of how to conduct a weatherization evaluation of a house, including an NEAT/MHEA energy audit and a health and safety assessment. Topics included in the training are: the equipment used in an evaluation, residential construction details, energy principles, and the various steps involved in the evaluation. Participants will learn how to use the blower door, pressure gauges, and the ASHRAE 62.2 calculation software. Participants will also learn how to conduct basic combustion health and safety assessments, how to do refrigeration appliance replacement assessments, how to do zone pressure testing, and how to conduct duct leakage testing. The course will also offer an overview of the program, how it started, funding, client qualifications, etc., and some basic program issues, such as work deferral issues, client selection and client priority.
Advanced Blower Door/Zonal Pressure Diagnostics
- This 2-day (8-hour) course is a classroom training. Participants will learn how to use the blower door, DG-700, DG-1000, and REDCalc ZPD Tool to align thermal and pressure boundaries, and zonal pressure testing (garage testing). Participants must have a working knowledge of the blower door and insulation and pressure boundaries. Participants need to bring a DG-700 or DC-1000 (if available) to the training. At the end of the training, participants will be able to determine between a modified and non-modified zone.
Furnace and Combustion Health & Safety
- This 3 day (16-hour) course is a combination of classroom and in-field training. Participants will learn about furnace components, basic electric, venting, and gas pressure issues. Participants will learn the basics of furnace, ductwork and gas line sizing and how to use combustion appliance testing equipment. Participants will also learn about condensing furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, and air conditioners.
- Participants will learn to set up a house in worst-case conditions, and perform required spillage and carbon monoxide testing on furnaces and water heaters. There will be discussion of test results and possible solutions. Participants will also learn static pressure testing and steady state efficiency testing using a combustion analyzer and will learn how to calculate the Depressurization Tightness Limit (DTL).
- Because of the class size, this 2-day (8-hour) course is a classroom-only training. (Note: Participants must have a working knowledge of energy audit procedures.) Participants will learn how to maneuver through the audit, how to complete the parameter setups, and how to input data in the audit. Participants will review necessary information for audit input and complete an audit on a house and a mobile home. Finally, participants will learn how to interpret audit output reports.
- Because of the class size, this 2-day (8 hour) course is a classroom-only training. (Note: Participants must have a working knowledge of the blower door and knowledge of air movement.) Participants will learn what causes moisture and mold problems, how to conduct a mold/moisture assessment, including recognizing “red flags”, and how to determine the various building tightness limits (ASHRAE and DTL). Training will also cover moisture control strategies, including ventilation issues. Participants will use a digital monometer and TI-89 calculator to test pressure differential caused by mechanical ventilation and use the REDCalc calculations to determine ventilation needs.
Comprehensive Training
- Occupation-specific training which is part of an overall curriculum aligned with the topics within the given JTA being trained. Comprehensive training must be administered by, or in cooperation with, a training program that is accredited by a DOE-accepted credentialing body for the JTA being taught.
- Typically, sub-grantees send their staff to an accredited training center or invite the training center to their location.
- For more information about this training requirement, see Weatherization Program Notice 22-4.
Specific Training
- All Weatherization field staff must receive Specific training. Iowa's state-provided trainings meet this requirement.
- Single-issue, short-term training to address technical skills or knowledge gaps. Conference trainings and any training not aligned with a Home Energy Professional JTA are included in this category.
- For more information about this training requirement, see Weatherization Program Notice 22-4.
Program Manager:
- Christine Taylor
Cell Phone: 515-499-3163
Email: christine.taylor@hhs.iowa.gov
Program Planner(s):
- Joanne Sackett
Cell Phone: 515-776-8845
Email: joanne.sackett@hhs.iowa.gov
Administrative Program Monitor(s):
- Joe Miller
Cell Phone: 515-250-7139
Email: joe.miller@hhs.iowa.gov
Housing Inspector & Training Specialist(s):
- Alan Ditsworth
Cell Phone: 515-344-9753
Email: Alan.Ditsworth@hhs.iowa.gov - Bob Freese
Cell Phone: 515-480-3537
Email: Robert.freese@hhs.iowa.gov - Chris Bracy
Cell Phone: 515-229-6304
Email: chris.bracy@hhs.iowa.gov - Kurt Nicholson
Cell Phone: 515-314-6058
Email: Kurt.nicholson@hhs.iowa.gov
State Forms
Work on homes requires DCAA prior approval when estimated labor and material costs of ALL measures will exceed $12,000. Agencies must submit relevant photos and NEAT/MHEA Audit Input and Recommended Measures Reports with the waiver request. The estimated cost includes health and safety, energy efficiency, heating system and water heater work, repair work, and refrigeration appliances using DOE, HEAP, and/or utility funds. This form is required.
For approval, email the completed form to alan.ditsworth@hhs.iowa.gov, chris.bracy@hhs.iowa.gov, and kurt.nicholson@hhs.iowa.gov.
- $12,000 Expenditure Limit Waiver - Explained
$12,000 Expenditure Limit Waiver - Fillable (current form dated 10/02/24)
This form is used to request approval from a utility company to exceed their insulation expenditure limit on a home.
Approval for Additional Insulation Measures (current form dated 09/27/24)
The form below can be completed electronically or printed out and completed by hand. Completion of this form is required for every home on which an energy audit has been conducted.
- Weatherization Audit/Inspection Form - Stick-Built Homes (current form dated 01/09/24)
- Weatherization Audit/Inspection Form - Manufactured Homes (current form dated 01/09/24)
- Full Audit and File Review Form (current form dated 01/09/24)
- The Excel documents are "unlocked" to allow agencies the freedom to change font color, cell fill color, and to highlight important information for crews and contractors. However, NO OTHER CHANGES are to be made to the forms by the agencies.
Agencies must use this form to when the home must be deferred. Deferring work on a dwelling does not mean the dwelling will never be weatherized. If the situation or condition causing the deferral changes, it may be possible to begin or complete the work. This form is required.
- Deferral Documentation Form (current form dated 04/20/23)
Email these completed forms to joe.miller@hhs.iowa.gov for approval.
Agencies must use this form to obtain prior approval from the Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and/or DOE when they wish to dispose of equipment and vehicles (when not replacing the item/s), with an original unit acquisition cost (purchase price) of $5,000 or more. This form is required.
- Disposal Request Form (current form dated 09/15/23)
Agencies must use this form to obtain prior approval from the Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and/or DOE when they wish to purchase equipment and vehicles and/or also replace a piece of equipment or a vehicle (e.g., replacing an older truck with a newer one), with a unit acquisition price of $5,000 or more. This form is required.
- Replacement/Purchase Request Form (current form dated 09/15/23)
User Fee Approval:
Agencies must use this form to obtain prior approval from the Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) to establish a user fee that allows other programs to use weatherization equipment and vehicles. This form is required.
- User Fee Approval Form (current form dated 10/09/23)
When considering a fuel switch, the agency must conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis that compares the cost of installing a system with a new fuel source to the costs of installing a system that uses the same fuel source. Written permission to switch fuels must be obtained from the client. The agency must also obtain Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) approval prior to the fuel switch. This form is required.
For approval, email the completed form to alan.ditsworth@hhs.iowa.gov, chris.bracy@hhs.iowa.gov, and kurt.nicholson@hhs.iowa.gov.
- Fuel Switching Request (current form dated 10/02/24)
The worksheet below must be completed for heating system fuel switches in addition to the Fuel Switching Request form. This form is required.
Need help converting units of energy? See Unit Juggler for help.
- Fuel Switching Request Calculations Worksheet (current form dated 07/12/16)
- Fuel Switching Request calculation - Completed Sample (current form dated 07/12/16)
Assessment and Findings:
The Health and Safety Assessment Findings forms (both Part 1 and Part 2) must be fully completed and used to document possible problems in homes. The original of the signed forms must be in the client file and the copies left with the client. Health and safety testing must also be done after weatherization is completed to ensure the weatherization activities did not create a health and safety problem in the home. These are 2-part NCR forms supplied by the State. These forms are required for every home.
- Part 1 - English (current form dated 05/21/15)
Part 1 - Spanish (current form dated 05/21/15) - Part 2 - English (current form dated 04/21/15)
Part 2 - Spanish (current form dated 04/21/15)
The Health & Safety Notifications Form must be completed for every home. This is a 2-part NCR form supplied by the State. This form is required for every home.
- H&S Notifications (PDF)
When a furnace will be replaced, the energy auditor must either run a complete Manual J calculation or perform an estimated Manual J calculation, using the Heat Loss Calculation Worksheet below.
- Heat Loss Calculation Worksheet (current form dated 12/31/14)
Heat Loss Calculation Worksheet - Sample
The Landlord Agreement must be signed by the landlord of an eligible dwelling to authorize the weatherization services and agreeing to certain provisions before the rental property can be weatherized. The language in this form is required language. If an agency chooses to use a different form, the required language MUST be included in the alternate form. This form is optional; however, the language in the form is required.
- Landlord Agreement (current form dated 01/19/11)
Renovation can disturb paint. This includes sanding, cutting, and demolition. Renovation in pre-1978 buildings can create lead dust and chips, which can harm adults and children.
In 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued rules for renovation. They apply to renovation in pre-1978 housing (target housing). They also apply to pre-1978 child-occupied facilities (daycare centers, kindergartens). Beginning April 22, 2010, renovators must be certified. They must also follow lead-safe work practices. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) will carry out these rules in Iowa. Certified individuals are called “lead-safe renovators.”
Refer to the HHS Lead Poisoning Prevention page for additional information.
Notification Forms
Use of one of these forms is required.
- Form 1 - Single Family Dwelling
FORM #1 SAMPLE - Form 2 - Emergency Single Family Dwelling
- Form 3 - Owner Multi-Family Dwelling
- Form 4 - Occupant Multi-Family Dwelling
Iowa Weatherization Lead-Safe Report
Completed for every pre-1978 structure by the Certified Lead Renovator. Use of this form is required.
Lead Exemption Form
Completed when lead safe work practices are not required. Use of this form is optional.
Additional Information
Iowa Administrative Code 641 Chapter 69 and Chapter 70 provide detailed guidance regarding lead renovation in Iowa.
Weatherization of multi-unit dwellings containing 5 or more units requires prior approval from the Iowa Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and DOE. The appropriate Multi-Unit Dwelling Approval Form must be submitted to the WAP for approval prior to beginning work.
Agencies are allowed, but not required, to bypass priority lists in order to weatherize multi-unit dwellings.
Buildings 45 years old and older are subject to SHPO review requirements.
The total number of multi-units weatherized must not exceed 20% of total units weatherized by an agency in a program year.
- See PN 10-02 Multi-Unit Projects for further guidance.
Email the completed form to joe.miller@hhs.iowa.gov for approval.
The form below is to be used when requesting approval from the WAP to weatherize dwellings that contain between 5 and 24 individually heated units. The NEAT Audit can be used on this type of dwelling.
This form is to be used when requesting approval from the WAP to weatherize dwellings that contain more than 24 individually heated units or between 5 and 24 units with a single heating system. The NEAT Audit cannot be used on this type of dwelling; an alternative audit, EA-Quip or TREAT must be used.
Below are lists of eligible housing projects.
Data Sheet:
Participating vendors are to complete the Iowa Weatherization Program Refrigeration Appliance Data Sheet. The form is to be completed for each brand/model of appliance for which the vendor is providing a price quote. The form specifies the style of the appliance, the features of the appliance, the size of the appliance, etc. This form is optional - A spreadsheet including the same information as is in the Appliance Data Sheet, is acceptable (see below).
You may use either format below.
- Appliance Data Sheet (current form dated 04/18/14)
- Refrigeration Appliance Bid Worksheet
Vendor Agreement:
Participating vendors are agree to and sign the Vendor Agreement which certifies the vendor agrees to the prices quoted and to the conditions listed in the Weatherization General Appendix. This form is required.
- Appliance Vendor Agreement (current form dated 02/04/14)
Client Agreement:
Use of this form is required when removing/replacing a refrigerator or freezer.
- Client Refrigeration Appliance Agreement (current form dated 09/04/08)
Agencies are required to take all reasonable precautions against performing work on homes that will subject clients to health and safety risks. Before beginning work on a home, local agencies must take into consideration the health concerns of each occupant, the condition of the dwelling, and the possible effect any work performed will have on the health or medical condition of the occupants. Clients will be required to sign a Release of Liability Form describing possible issues before the audit. If the client refuses to sign the form, no work will be completed on the house and it will be closed incomplete. The original of the signed release must be in the client file, and the copy will be left with the client. This form is required for every home.
- Release of Liability - English (current form dated 10/01/12)
Release of Liability - Spanish (current form dated 10/01/12)
Use the form below when measures to be done on a home fall within the list of exempted measures. * See Program Notice PN 10-03 for further guidance.
- Exempt from SHPO Review Form (current form dated 04/05/13)
For measures requiring SHPO Comment or Review, please visit the Iowa Arts and Culture website.
Agencies must use this form any time ventilation has been installed in a home. This form is required.
- Ventilation and Your Home (current form dated 05/17/16)
Ventilation and Your Home - Instruction Sheet
Agencies must use this form for all contracts. Closeouts are due 45 days after the end of each contract. This form is required.
Email the completed form to Joanne Sackett at joanne.sackett@hhs.iowa.gov
- Weatherization Closeout Form (current form dated 10/09/23)
The Weatherization Readiness Fund (WRF) is treated as a separate source of funds within the regular DOE contract.
Approval and Amendment:
Submit the WRF Application Form alan.ditsworth@hhs.iowa.gov, chris.bracy@hhs.iowa.gov, and kurt.nicholson@hhs.iowa.gov. Once the waiver is approved, the agency will be notified, and an amendment to the DOE Contract will be issued for the amount approved in the waiver.
Reporting and WAMS:
All agencies must open the MatTempTemplate in WAMS to add two sequence numbers:
- Sequence number 1140 - add Year House was Built for the Workitem. Put the information in the Note (Location) field. This sequence number must be selected for every house regardless of what funds are used.
- Sequence number 1150 -add Weatherization Readiness Funds for the Workitem.
- When reporting readiness work in sequence number 1150, use WRF for the Program. Report materials and labor used to make the home ready for weatherization.
- Readiness expenses will not be shown when the monthly financial detail report is run. Agencies need to manually enter the total WRF for the month on the monthly financial summary report.
Please remember that WRF must result in a DOE or DOE-BIL completion.