Physical Location
Location Address
15 No 6th Str
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Areas Served
Cerro Gordo
Type: Park
Partnership: CG Public Health
Approved On: 06/12/2018
Approved Signs: None
Attributes: ESD/electronic cigarettes, Nicotine Free, Smoke Free, At all times, Enforcement
Parks Jurisdiction: City
Trail #: 22
Parks Covered: City Park, City Beach, Three Stars Plaza, Lakeview Drive Promenade, Dog Park, Armour Pugh Park, Clear Lake Aquatic Center, Country Club Heights Park D.A.R. Park, Fieldstone Park, MacGowan Park, Marian Park, Municipal Tennis Courts, O.R.C. (Outlet Recreation Complex), Pine Tree Park, Public Boat Ramps, Public Accesses, Public Access Docks, City Beach Splash Pad, Tourist Park, Triangle Park, and the former Main Avenue Water Tower open space area.