The resources below are provided to enhance contractor knowledge on substance misuse, problem gambling and suicide prevention.  Resources include publications, web links and guidance related to prevention. Also included are Bureau of Substance Abuse specific prevention supports, prevention forms and prevention media campaign information. This webpage will be updated as new resources become available.

Prevention Foundations

Prevention Theories

Prevention Approaches and Service Models


Culturally Responsive Prevention Services

Prevention Evidence-Based Program, Practice and Policy Resources

Prevention Specialist Certification

The Iowa Board of Certification (IBC) oversees the Prevention Specialist Certification process.  Questions about certification requirements should be directed to the IBC staff.  IBC supports a Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) and Advanced Certified Prevention Specialist (ACPS) certification. Details about these certification processes can be found here.

National Prevention Resources

Prevention Documents and Forms

Capacity Coaching Services

Prevention Media Campaigns

All Bureau of Substance Abuse supported Media Campaign materials are located in the Your Life Iowa Prevention Media Center website (except when noted).  Campaign materials can be downloaded for use with the following guidelines:

  • Campaign material dissemination engages the appropriate populations as noted below.
  • Credit is given to HHS (or federal organization, if noted) and no credit statements are removed.
  • Campaign materials are not changed or altered (wording, pictures, messages, fonts, etc.).
  • No new campaign materials (additional campaign materials and/or promotional items) are created based on HHS campaign concepts.


  • Savor Every Moment Campaign - Focus on adult alcohol use with women ages 35-64.
  • Talk. They Hear You Campaign - Focus on parents and caregivers of children ages 21 and under to assist in having conversations about underage drinking. Campaign available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
  • Think Before You Drink Campaign - Focus on adult alcohol use with men ages 45 and older.
  • What Gets Crushed/What Do You Throw Away Campaign - Focus on underage alcohol use prevention with youth ages 12-14.


  • Weeds Not Worth It Campaign - Focus on marijuana use prevention with youth ages 11-13.


  • Be a Mentor Campaign - Focus on empowering young adult male professionals to become a mentor. This campaign highlights the important role male mentors have in empowering young people develop through their formative years.


  • Meth Never Ever Campaign - Focus on methamphetamine use prevention with adults ages 22-30.

Prescription Medication/Opioids

  • Good Samaritan Law Campaign - Focus on educating the general public about Iowa’s Good Samaritan Law.  Additional information can be found on the website
  • Be Prepared to Save a Life Campaign - Focus on educating adults about utilizing and accessing naloxone.
  • Prescription Drugs Are Still Drugs Campaign - Focus on prescription drug misuse prevention with youth and young adults ages 12-25.
  • Rx Prescription Drug Campaign - Focus on adults ages 25–54 who have taken opioids at least once for medical or nonmedical (recreational) use. Campaign available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


  • Prevention Works! Campaign - Focus on educating the general public how prevention efforts make a difference.

Problem Gambling

  • Be #1 At Getting Help Campaign - Focus on educating about problem gambling issues with adults ages 21 and older.
  • Gift Responsibly Campaign - Focus on raising awareness about the risks of youth gambling and educates communities on the dangers of buying lottery tickets for children.  Campaign available through the National Council on Problem Gambling.
  • Problem Gambling Awareness Month Campaign - Focus on increasing public awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery services and to encourage healthcare providers to screen clients for problem gambling. Campaign available through the National Council on Problem Gambling.


  • See the Person. Not the Addiction Campaign - Focus on educating adults ages 25-44 about the impact of stigma on those struggling with addiction.

Suicide Prevention

  • Save a Life Campaign - Focus on increasing awareness of Your Life Iowa for adults ages 18 and older contemplating suicide and their loved ones.

Your Life Iowa

  • Teen and Parents Campaign - Focus on increasing awareness of Your Life Iowa for youth ages 12-18.
  • Your Everyday Life Support Campaign - Focus on raising awareness about Your Life Iowa for people of all ages.